HCR2 SoulisBot

HCR2 SoulisBot HCR2 SoulisBot HCR2 SoulisBot HCR2 SoulisBot

One bot to rule them all!
Created to help you with your gameplay in Hill Climb Racing 2, moderate your server and have fun !!!

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Bot Features


Hosted on a university's network, the bot is fast and online 24/7

Great Support

Join us on our brand new Discord server to help with any issue

Happy Users

We do everything possible to keep our users happy. We appreciate all feedback

Command Categories

help Shows pretty help command

setup prefix set [custom_prefix] Set a custom prefix for the bot (max 3 characters)

ping Simple ping/pong command to check if the bot is up and running (uptime/latency)

donate Show your love to the developer
invite Invite HCR2 SoulisBot to join your server
support Join our discord server for feedback and help
topgg HCR2 SoulisBot at top.gg
vote Vote for HCR2 SoulisBot at top.gg
www Official HCR2 SoulisBot Website

te info Shows 10k time/distance/coins for each track
te score Calculates team event scores
te strategy Shows recommended strategy for Team Event tracks (image based)
te tstrategy Shows recommended strategy for Team Event tracks (text based)
te vehicles Shows available vehicles for current Team Event
te next Shows info for the next Team Event

pe Shows Public Event tracks and countdowns
pe strategy Shows recommended strategy for Public Event tracks
pe next Show next Public Event countdown

adv Vehicle and part suggestions for Adventure tracks (image based)
adv random Random Vehicle and part suggestions for Adventure tracks
adv fuels Fuel locations for adventure tracks (image based)
tadv Vehicle and part suggestions for Adventure tracks (text based)
tadv fuels Fuel locations for adventure tracks (text based)

guide The Hitchhiker's Guide to HCR2 by HCR2 GM SQUAD
chest_sequence Chest Sequence for Cups

fs fairplay Fingersoft's reminder about Fair Play
fs support Official HCR2 Support
fs wiki Official HCR2 Wiki

8ball Magic 8ball
swanson Ron Swanson Quotes
urban Urban Dictionary lookup. Pull data from Urban Dictionary
xkcd Display the latest XKCD comic
xkcd random Display a random XKCD comic
xkcd <number> Display a specific XKCD comic

welcomer config Configure the welcomer
welcomer channel Set a channel for the welcomer
welcomer message Set a message for the welcomer
welcomer embed Toggle the embed for the welcomer
welcomer activate Toggle the welcomer

myinvites Show invite codes/uses/max_age and total uses for current user
invites Show invite codes/uses/max_age and total uses for specific user

ui Display user information
si Display server information

purge Delete a number of messages
hackban Ban a user who is not in the server
kick Kick a user out of the server
ban Ban a user from the server
nick Change the nickname of a user on a server
poll "message" Create a poll where members can vote
polln "message" "options" Create a poll where members can vote

members Show total number of members and all the bots in the server and tag those with admin rights
boosters Show premium subscribers aka server boosters

autoroles set @role1 @role2 Enables autoroles. Adds specified role(s) to new members (bots excluded)
autoroles set Disables autoroles
autoroles get Get autoroles info for your server

actionlogs edit #channel set or disable actionlogs for edit messages
actionlogs delete #channel set or disable actionlogs for delete messages
actionlogs bulkdelete #channel set or disable actionlogs for bulk deleted messages
actionlogs join #channel set or disable actionlogs for member join
actionlogs leave #channel set or disable actionlogs for member leave

To disable any of the actionlogs run the command without providing a channel

Top Servers Using Our Bot!

Club of Leaders
PrOteCT YT (Official)

Terms of Service

The developer cannot and shouldn't be held responsible for any misuse of the bot.

Privacy Policy

The bot's actionlog module provides functions to log edited and deleted messages. Those functions can only be used by server staff and it is in their hand to decide if they will make those logs public or private.

No user messages or activity is stored in the bot.

Stored data are used only for statistics and are not shared with 3rd parties